Welcome to spring in Sydney. The real estate sale season is moving along and this year’s market shows very dramatic differences from last years. This is a buyer’s market. That means that your potential buyers will be fussy. They will take their time and make no lightning decisions, and they will be a lot more difficult to impress. This is where excellent property presentation Sydney styling specialists get to earn their keep.
With the glut of houses on the market, your house needs to bring its A-game if you want to get the best price in the shortest amount of time.
If all of this sounds like bad news to you, take heart. There’s nothing like a little competition to bring out the creativity in us – and home-sellers this year will be rock-stars in the world of creativity. Probably the best news is that home stylists across greater Sydney have done their homework. They will lead the charge and what happens over the coming summer is bound to be amazing.
For home stagers, taking a somewhat ordinary home and making it a spectacular one is business as usual. Now that buyers know that they don’t have to hurry or make instant decisions on any given house, stagers will intensify their approach. It’s about time. Now that the housing prices have settled back into a more normal groove, the profit potential hinges upon how quickly a house is sold.
Every day a house is on the market for sale is a hit to the bank accounts of sellers. The ongoing cost of mortgage payments, insurance premiums, and even the cost to keep the lawn mowed and tidy mount up. What’s worse is that when the listing photos online don’t change week after week; the potential buyers begin to think there’s something wrong with a house that hasn’t sold. Put another way, your new challenge is to create urgency where it no longer exists.
Your house has to be so special that buyers don’t want to take even the smallest risk of losing it.
And so the great stylist dusts off the tricks in the book to help make your house unforgettable. If ever you needed a gifted home stylist, now is the time. Stylists are well aware that the chips are down this year. They are putting extra effort into everything they do to make buyers fall in love at first sight. These efforts include not just the pleasant colour scheme or the clever arrangement of lithographs on the hallway walls.
Now, more than ever, the psychological aspect of home sales comes to the fore. The need to tickle the fancy of these otherwise picky buyers becomes a real mission for the dedicated home stager. In different circumstances it might be entertaining to watch – reality TV at its best. These days, though, it takes very strategic planning to get the job done well. Your stylist should be pulling out all stops to get your house sold.
If you have not yet chosen your home stager, we urge you to find one that has lots of experience at facilitating big sales. Look for a stager who understands the market and has an intimate knowledge of what today’s buyer wants. Choose a firm that has some experience with real estate sales from a selling agent’s perspective – this is an important plus. Then look for glowing reviews from agents and from home sellers. (Beware though. Quite often the reviews you read online are manufactured by professional writers who’ve never even visited Australia, let alone put together a property presentation Sydney. Verify the reviews you get.)
At Urban Chic Property Styling we have been styling properties in and around Sydney for decades. We were sales agents before we became home stylists. We know our stuff and we’ll be happy to connect you with our happy clients so you can hear for yourself how well we did. Not only do we have the staff and the skill to make your house amazing, we have all the tools at our disposal to get that done. The furnishings, the art, and the tiny details to make the picture come together can all be found at our headquarters. We do property presentation Sydney and we do it very, very well. Call us today for a consultation.
Photo credit; Image courtesy of Abstract House.