You’ll need a pretty good reason to move OUT of Sydney’s Inner West. These days the area is among Sydney’s most desirable regions, still going strong in spite of market lulls elsewhere. So, if you have to go, you’ll be in one of the best seller’s positions in the entire greater Sydney area. Don’t imagine, though, that because you’re preparing to sell a property in one of the highly attractive neighbourhoods that you can afford to skimp. Thoroughly preparing your house to sell with careful property styling Inner West is still essential to getting the best price for your house.
Depending on your data source, there are from 22 to 26 percent more houses available on the market to sell this year over last year. That means buyers can (and will) be choosier than ever before. Now that they can enjoy the luxury of a larger selection to consider, buyers won’t buy unless they are totally satisfied.
Real estate professionals who have been in the industry for any time at all will tell you that in a buyer’s market such as ours is becoming, sellers should take nothing for granted. Your best chance for getting top-dollar for your property lies in making it flawless.
Buyers will be looking for scrupulously maintained properties that offer them the comfort of knowing there will be no immediate big-ticket repairs. All the systems in your house, from roofing to plumbing, electrical, and air-conditioning will be under scrutiny. Nobody wants to buy a money-pit, after all, and in this market nobody is going to pay more for less.
Beyond the level of maintenance your house has to offer, there is also the economic factor. Buyers today are looking for energy efficiency. They are spending money it took them years to save. They want to be certain that running the house won’t be prohibitive in the long run. If your appliances are not rated for efficient operation, consider swapping them out for models that promise better cost effectiveness. This also includes heating/cooling systems that have a way of becoming a pivot point for downward price adjustments.
Staging your home is crucial. This is not the time to scrimp on details. You’ll want to paint the entire interior – there’s nothing like a fresh, clean canvas to help prospective buyers see their future playing out in your house. Your home stylist will be able to help you choose a colour scheme that’s inviting and pleasing to the greatest number of buyers as possible.
Your stylist is also tuned in to the things your buyer likes in terms of other amenities. Don’t hesitate to lean heavily on your specialist in property styling Inner West to keep you on track. If repairs or upgrades will help you to get the best price for your property, your stylist can help you plan and implement them. If your stylist thinks adding a kitchen island is something you ought to do, consider it excellent advice. These experts know their stuff.
Don’t forget that the outside of your property and any out-buildings, including the garage, are part of the package.
Make sure your street appeal is spectacular. Remember this is your house’s handshake. Make it unforgettable. Again, your stylist will be able to help you with the transformation from okay to epic. Landscaping needs to be kept neat and tidy, of course, but take the time to look at the other houses near you. You need to present at least as well and better if you can manage it. Add a few low-maintenance shrubs and a new layer of mulch for colour. Pressure-wash the exterior and be sure the windows sparkle. Then sit back and wait for the offers to come in.
Selling a house is one of the biggest business transactions in a person’s life. It truly is your real-estate investment report card. It isn’t an accident or even luck when a house sells at the top of the neighbourhood market. Property styling Inner West is all about smart investment. One of the smartest investments you can make in the real estate industry is the way in which you prepare your house for sale. Do it the right way and you’ll profit. Don’t and you might be sorely disappointed. Call in the professionals at Urban Chic Property Styling today. Why not aim high?
Photo credit: Image courtesy of Taubmans.