Buyers bent on finding more for less in the Sydney real estate market are still finding what they need. Regionally, though some are worried by the recent softening of the market, we’re still chugging onward. However, with more property on the market for sale and banks’ lending less, the time for hit and miss preparation of homes for sale is over. In the world of the home stylist Sydney ranks as having among the most demanding buyers. Quite frankly, these buyers have sacrificed all they intend to in the saving of their deposit. Now is the time for sellers to offer not just value, but super value.
This doesn’t have to mean that you have to invest in a total renovation. With a few upgrades, a bit of cosmetic help, and a really good home stager, you can still get the top price for your home if you walk a mile in the shoes of buyers first.
Naturally, buyers want more for their money. That means providing larger, better maintained, and more aesthetically appealing properties. Those things can be accomplished through thoughtful and creative use of what is already available in your home.
As you think through the listing process, understand that your buyer would probably love it if he could buy a home with another bedroom or a bigger study. Space – or the lack of it – is a very big deal to buyers today. Because of financial constraints, they are forced to settle for less. Your job, as a seller, is to ease their pain.
Showing wardrobes that work harder and rooms that do double-duty can serve to accomplish this. Making the absolute most of your storage options is always a good idea. Even when a buyer has the cash to buy a bigger place, a smaller one that demonstrates economy of square metreage is very appealing. (There’s less to clean, after all.)
In situations where your space is less grand than you’d like, it becomes even more critical that you employ every trick of the home styling trade to make it look and feel larger. This can involve using more mirrors or “invisible” Plexiglas tables, but your best friend in these quests is the one whose life revolves around creating space where none seems to exist. The home stylist you employ spends day after day doing just this. Experience here is the key piece to the home selling puzzle.
Another, sometimes less costly fix to a small space is to create outdoor living spaces that make up for the cosy conditions inside. To create a patio space or an entertainment area can be relatively inexpensive. Even a simple fire-pit in the back yard can transform a place that looks cramped into a more pleasing property. The secret is in imagination.
Reimagining your space isn’t easy. If you have lived within the same walls for any amount of time, you might be hard-pressed to see them with new eyes. Again, it is your home stylist who can rescue you. New, fresh eyes can see wonderful elements in your house that have been lost to you over time. When your stylist makes recommendations – listen. It’s the voice of innovation speaking and, generally, it means more money in the sale process.
Let the eyes you hire to help re-invent your house be ones that have seen a few things. The more practical experience your stylist has – the more years in service – will translate to both savings and the desired result.
Years of lessons in what improvements cost and how they translate in terms of price increases are more valuable than most of us can imagine. (Just ask somebody who has the misfortune of over-improving a property in an ‘iffy’ neighbourhood.) If you ask us how to get that information, the answer can be found in just three words: experience, experience, and experience. Those are the only answers that truly matter in selecting a home styling company.
The more challenging the marketplace becomes – and ours is on the move toward challenging – the more important it is that you, as a seller, keep your wits about you. This house selling business is truly that. It’s a business. It’s a BIG business. Selling your house could be the biggest business transaction you ever undertake. Treat it like the investment opportunity it is.
Photo credit: Image courtesy of CSR Gyprock Plasterboard, Stegbar Windows and Doors and ASKO appliances.